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Map of Africa outlined in lights on back background

Africa Private Trade Mission

Transforming Global Workspace with Africa 

LABUSA will host a private trade mission through parts of Africa to establish contacts and build trade relationships. The selected regions of Tanzania, Ghana, Kenya, and South Africa, offer tremendous opportunities to develop international trade partners. This event aims to showcase the company’s cloud-managed services and digital transformation strategy.  Local businesses and multinational company representatives are invited for strategic planning, knowledge transfer, and networking opportunities. 

Additionally, the company will host an event in each location celebrating the Independent Consultants of Africa who completed the Fall 2022 Global Offshore Outsourcing Training & Certification Program.  Designed to distinguish individuals as leaders in global offshore outsourcing, the training promotes job placement for remote work projects.  The participants gained competitive skills that will help accelerate their careers.  Registered participants for the Winter 2023 session are also invited to the events. 

  • Kilimanjaro, Tanzania                    12 - 15 Jan. 2023
  • Accra, Ghana                                  20 - 25 Jan. 2023
  • Nairobi, Kenya                                26 - 30 Jan. 2023
  • Johannesburg, South Africa         30 Jan. - 2 Feb. 2023
  • Cape Town, South Africa               2 - 5 Feb. 2023


Companies Representing




If you are interested in attending an event or want more information, click here to contact us. 
